Marking the House’s first in-person fashion show since February 2020, Gucci Love Parade unfolded along Los Angeles' walk of fame. Inspired by the timeless nature of old-Hollywood glamour, the collection presents contemporary takes on traditional pieces. This mini bag is presented in GG canvas - a reimagination of Guccio Gucci's initials in a maxi size.
Tessuto Jumbo GG cammello ed ebano
Finiture in pelle marrone
Nastro Web verde e rosso
Fodera in cotone e lino
Interno: 1 tasca con bottone
Esterno: 1 tasca
Tracolla, altezza (luce) 60 cm
Chiusura con cerniera
L 22,5 cm x A 14 cm x P 7 cm
Fabbricato in Italia